

Civil Litigation

Experienced attorneys in every step of civil litigation from the initial client consultation through a jury trial. Our case load history includes claims and lawsuits to recover money, goods and/or services, contract disputes, commercial and personal, construction and building litigation, including commercial and residential, claims to recover damages in personal injury, petitions for dissolution, including post-dissolution disputes, and in all cases we engage in meaningful negotiations, mediation, and careful examination of fair settlement prospects.


Criminal Defense

If you have been charged with a crime, or if you have been arrested, you need a lawyer who will diligently represent you to protect your rights. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation.


Real Estate

We represent clients in real estate matters from boundary disputes to complex commercial real estate issues. Included in these services, are real estate sales, defense against foreclosures, and evictions.


Accident & Injury

If you have been injured in an accident or by intentional conduct, you should discuss your case with an attorney who is experienced in accident and injury claims. We will guide you through the process and work diligently to obtain the best recovery for your injuries.


Business Transactions

Business in Northwest Indiana is essential to a thriving community. Working with our business clients provides the opportunity to contribute to our community. We are available to assist you in contract negotiations and review; developing and reviewing policies and procedures; initiating claims to recover, and defending claims brought against your business; responding to regulating agencies; and other representations affecting your business.



Experienced attorneys understand the importance of negotiation and mediation. As an experienced mediator, when representing clients in civil matters, Attorney Paula Neff is invested in your case and will explore all reasonable avenues in working toward resolution of your case.


Family Law

If you are contemplating divorce, or if you are a party to a divorce proceeding, our focus is to will help you navigate the process, and to apprise you of the protections afforded you under the law. We represent clients in contentious dissolution cases, uncontested divorces, child custody support disputes, financial disputes over the allocation of assets and liabilities in dissolution proceedings, and in petitions for guardianships and adoptions.